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This site is intended as a Gilmore Vista Community forum solely dedicated to the members/residents of the Gilmore Vista Community.  Although this site is provided as a public forum, to be a member of this site/community you must be an active resident and/or own property within the Gilmore Vista Community. Any inconsequential representation or implied affiliation to any person, entity or organization whether directly or indirectly affiliated with the Gilmore Vista Community or this site is merely provided as a convenience to its members and/or visitors and the Gilmore Vista Community makes no claims or guarantees to the accuracy or validity of the contents and/or information provided on this site. The Gilmore Vista Community shall be held indemnified of any liability from harm, or damages incurred by the use or dissemination of the information provided on this site. All photos and/or images that may or may not represent or reference Gilmore Vista Community to which may have been posted or borrowed on this site shall remain the property of the Gilmore Vista domain and the use of such material on this site is merely to create a common familiarity for its members. Any content uploaded by members will be evaluated by site management and may be removed without warning should it violate the sites terms of use policy.